National Interpretation

Institutions involved with REDD+ implementation are in a position (in terms of personnel, skills and resources) to implement transparent and effective national forest governance structures. Transparency and effectiveness can include:

  • providing understandable information, based on reliable data collected at different levels, at regular intervals;
  • consideration of local and traditional rules and national legislation;
  • fair benefit sharing;
  • consideration of all stakeholder input as of equal importance in developing /revising legal/institutional frameworks;
  • gender equity and equality;
  • absence of corruption;
  • land use, including land tenure;
  • equal access to justice, including a specific Grievance Redress Mechanism for REDD+.

How the Safeguard is ADDRESSED

PLRs recognize the right to access of information, the government is obliged to make information accessible (proactive information disclosure) and the public has the right to request information from public authorities (reactive information disclosure). However, no clear procedures are in place for the public to request and access information. Government institutions for distribution of information are in place, e.g. for REDD+ NIMOS/PMU and the RAC (to inform communities on REDD+ activities). In addition, several websites are operational, , and NIMOS/PMU produces newsletters and radio programs in tribal languages.

The Forest Management Law recognizes the existence of a system of traditional rights among indigenous and tribal peoples. It provides that the customary rights of the indigenous and tribal peoples in their villages and on their vegetable gardens have to be respected ‘as much as possible.’ However, neither the Forest Management Law nor the legal framework define the term “customary rights”.

The Draft Law Collective Rights ITPs 2019, in Article 3, states that the ITPs in Suriname have legal status as a collective and have collective rights as defined in the law. Article 4 states that the ITPs have collective property rights on their traditional living areas including the natural resources they traditionally use for their self-sufficiency, their culture or religious activities.

PLRs recognize the right to fair distribution and the need to develop an adequate benefit sharing mechanism. At the moment, benefit sharing arrangements are not in place but are planned by the Government.

PLRs also promote gender equity and guarantee adequate access to justice.  They also support and encourage the coordination among various agencies that play a role in forest management.

PLRs promote fiscal transparency in the forest sector and the Parliament approves and monitors the financial and political policy of the government. The Anti-Corruption Law 2017 sets rules to prevent and combat corruption in the whole public sector, including the forest sector. Several laws include penalties towards corruption. 

PLRs do recognize different types of forest tenure and provide for procedures to apply for a forest concession and a piece of domain land. Although the majority of forested lands in the interior are inhabited by ITPs, 97% of forested land, i.e. most of the traditionally occupied land in the country, is owned by the State. The National REDD+ Strategy addresses this issue under Policy Line 3.A: Land Tenure and the four measures included therein.

REDD+ implementation in Suriname does not intend to lead to forced eviction or physical displacement. Suriname has ratified the UNDRIP, which states in article 10: “No relocation shall take place without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples concerned and after agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of return”. The National REDD+ Strategy includes several measures that jointly aim at empowering ITPs by engaging them in law- and decision-making processes, clarifying land rights and fostering the principles of FPIC, which can help avoid forced eviction or displacement.

A REDD+ specific Grievance Redress Mechanism is under development. 

Please see the PLR analysis for further detail.



How the Safeguard is RESPECTED

  1. Number of culturally appropriate assemblies by community, such as krutu’s (village meetings), held in regular intervals to provide information and progress updates (held by NIMOS/PMU); in the absence of such data, this could be a description of provisions included in the ESMF for how to ensure culturally appropriate engagement throughout REDD+ implementation.
    A number of culturally appropriate assemblies held as part of REDD+ implementation by community is not yet available. However, the ESMF includes provisions to ensure culturally appropriate engagement in different ways:
    • To restore trust between ITPs and the government, the ESMF requests to “Complete establishment of PAMs regarding community forests/HKV regulations and land tenure rights, always engaging ITPs in a culturally appropriate way”.
    • The ESMF requests to incorporate cultural and gender aspects into the REDD+ community engagement strategy referred to under measure 2.A.3 of the National REDD+ Strategy, including reference to FPIC and ensuring that community engagement in legal revision processes provides sufficient time for consideration of proposals.
    • The ESMF states that for each and any of interaction with stakeholders, “and specifically with ITPs, it is recommended to refer to the following documents and guidance in the development of consultation methodologies and to consider culturally appropriate approaches to consultation:
      • FCPF and UN-REDD Guidelines on Stakeholder Engagement in REDD+ Readiness (FCPF and UN-REDD 2012)
      • The UN-REDD Guidelines on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (UN-REDD Programme 2013)
      • The UN-REDD Methodological Brief on Gender (UN-REDD Programme 2017)
      • The Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for REDD+ Readiness in Suriname (Smith 2016)
      • The Community Engagement Strategy for the Government (VIDS and VSG 2016)
  2. Number of separate meetings held by sex (M/F) and across different age groups to ensure all voices are being heard.
    This information is not yet available.
  3. Description of gender specific provisions included in the ESMF and efforts taken to achieve gender equality.
    The Action Matrix that resulted from the SESA process includes a separate priority on the topic: Priority 4: Strengthening of gender inclusive REDD+ implementation, which includes actions on continued gender capacity building, gender literacy education, an increased role of the Bureau Gender Affairs and the development of gender specific processes, such as gender checklists and gender specific budgeting.
    The Matrix also includes an action to incorporate cultural and gender aspects into the community engagement strategy referred to under measure 2.A.3 of the National REDD+ Strategy (see priority 3 of table 8 in the ESMF, page 44)
    The Framework for implementing the Policies and Measures included in the National REDD+ Strategy considers gender in different places:
    Project proposals need to include a description on how gender-specific issues are addressed by planned activities and of gender-sensitive approaches as part of stakeholder consultation before, during and subsequent to project implementation and information disclosure, using gender checklists adjusted to the context of Suriname. They should also include information on gender-specific budget allocation. (ESMF section 5.1, pages 48/49)
    Where a social assessments has to be conducted to feed into an Indigenous and Tribal Peoples’ Plan, it should be done in a gender-sensitive manner. (ESMF section 5.4, page 53)
    Where a Resettlement Plan is required, it needs to consider gender equality. (ESMF section 5.7, page 56)
    Where REDD+ implementing (sub-) projects aim to create income opportunities, the issues of gender and income equality need to be addressed in the proposal and during implementation. (ESMF section 5.9, page 57)
  4. Gender tools developed as requested in ESMF, including check-lists, surveys and analyses: yes/no/pending; if yes: percentage of REDD+ projects that have used gender tools and include gender-specific budget.
    This information is not yet available.
  5. a. Number of grievances received on land use (including land tenure), disregard of traditional rights, and gender inequality under REDD+ implementation, and
    b. Percentage of grievances (%) conclude.
    This information is not yet available.
  6. Progress made with implementation of Policies and Measures included in National REDD+ Strategy that refer to transparency of land tenure (descriptive).
    This information is not yet available but the indicator refers the National REDD+ Strategy, policy line 3.A: Land use, and the four measures included herein:
    Measure 3.A.1: Reconduct the process towards the legal recognition of land tenure rights of indigenous and maroon tribal peoples in Suriname. Support the establishment of a roadmap among different stakeholders
    Measure 3.A.2: Strengthen the capacities and knowledge of the judiciary and government officers on the rights of ITPs, including those in international declarations, conventions and guidelines on land tenure
    Measure 3.A.3: Make information on traditional land ownership publicly available in a central registry
    Measure 3.A.4: Set guidance on how land tenure rights can be acknowledged through contracts before establishing new development or REDD+ activities in the vicinity of ITPs’ communities
  7. Descriptive text on ESMF provisions to avoid corruption
    The ESMF includes the following provision to avoid corruption: The Action Matrix that resulted from the SESA process under priority 6 requests to assess of content of Suriname’s Anti Corruption Bill against REDD+ specific recommendations from the Corruption Risk Assessment that was conducted in 2017 and to initiate adjustment of the Bill, if needed. (ESMF section 4.3, Table 8, page 46)
  8. Description of awareness raising/training measures undertaken on REDD+, also including on the REDD+ GRM.
    This information is not yet available. Suriname’s REDD+ Grievance Redress Mechanism is currently under development.
  9. Benefits tracker in place, number of projects providing different benefits (table format): biodiversity, livelihoods, land use and land tenure, capacity/training
    This information is not yet available.
  10. Number of projects with an ITP plan, developed in line with FPIC principles, that includes an action plan of measures to ensure that ITPs receive social and economic benefits that are “culturally appropriate” (ESMF p.55 point 5).”
    This information is not yet available.
  11. Results from institutional REDD+ implementation needs assessment
    This information is not yet available. The indicator refers to the action matrix included in the ESMF (section 4.3, table 8) under priority 3 Institutional and governance strengthening recommends to conduct an institutional REDD+ implementation needs assessment, looking at functions and tasks required and existing capacities for REDD+ implementation. It was found that the National REDD+ Strategy in parts addresses current gaps/shortcomings but that further strengthening will be needed for long-term REDD+ success. The needs assessment should cover (a) knowledge and skills, (b) staffing and (c) financial resources. (see ESMF section 4.3, Table 8, page 46)
  12. Description of cases where REDD+-related government information was contested by non-governmental bodies.
    This information is not yet available.
  13. Number and type of non-governmental institutions engaging in REDD+ readiness (later implementation).
    This information is not yet available.
  14. Ways in which PMU keeps stakeholders informed about REDD+.
    The PMU is using a variety of communication channels to keep stakeholders informed about progress with REDD+:
    • The website, which specifically informs about activities taken as part of REDD+ readiness and any REDD+ relevant news.
    • A facebook site,, to spread relevant REDD+ news via social media
    • Regular REDD+ newsletters
    • Radio programs in tribal languages
    • Regular interaction with the REDD+ Assistants Collective (RAC), which are representatives of the Indigenous and Tribal Communities and communicate back to the local level.
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