National Interpretation

That actions are consistent with the conservation of natural forests, as defined in Suriname’s FREL, and biological diversity, ensuring that REDD+ actions are not used for the conversion of natural forests, but are instead used to incentivize the protection and conservation of nature as a whole, and especially natural forests and their ecosystem services, and to enhance other social and environmental benefits.

How the Safeguard is ADDRESSED

The term “forest” is clearly defined in Suriname’s PLRs, however, while palm tree plantations and trees planted for agricultural purposes are excluded from this definition, other plantation forest is not (e.g. for pulp and paper). Shifting cultivation is included in the forest definition, as long as it is done in a traditional way. As this forest definition is not in line with the UNFCCC and IPCC requirements, the national interpretation refers to the forest definition used specifically in the context of REDD+.

The Forest Law does not prohibit the conversion of forest but provides for some criteria to convert forest for purposes other than forestry. PLRs do promote or require the identification/mapping and protection of natural forests and biological diversity. The National REDD+ Strategy aims to conserve Suriname’s forest by addressing the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in line with the country’s agreed Development Plan. Once the Draft Environmental Law is adopted, as promoted in the National REDD+ Strategy, an Environmental Impact Assessment will be mandatory for specific activities, including forest concessions for timber harvesting, agriculture and aquaculture projects. The resulting EIA report should include an Environmental Management Plan and the project proponent is obliged to conduct regular monitoring.

Suriname is party to the CBD and the CITES Convention. The term Biodiversity is defined in line with the CBD’s definition. Endangered species are regulated through the Game legislation. The Nature Conservation Law promotes research for science-based biodiversity conservation. Several PLRs promote the economic, social and cultural development of natural resources, including the Development Plan (OP), Forest Management Law (FML), and National REDD+ Strategy (NS).

The National REDD+ Strategy specifically addresses the topic of sustainable forest management under Policy line D.2 Promotion of Sustainable Forest Management and the measures included therein.



How the Safeguard is RESPECTED

  1. a. Area (ha) of land where deforestation and/or degradation (apart from "normal" impact from traditional shifting cultivation) has been detected   within and around REDD+ project areas.
    b. Degree of disturbance where degradation has been detected (from remote sensing data and field checks)
    This indicator will be calculated from data included in Suriname’s National Forest Monitoring System, e.g. using Near-Real-Time Monitoring Data at regular intervals (interval to be determined).
  2. Overview of social and environmental benefits created by REDD+ projects.
    This is an accumulated indicator that will be calculated from project-level information. Until such information exists, it may be of interest to look at the potential social and environmental benefits identified during the SESA process and how they might contribute to different national Policies, Laws and Regulations as well as relevant international conventions and agreements (see linked document in safeguard a).
  3. Description of provisions to reduce environmental risks and promote social and environmental benefits.
    Suriname’s Environmental and Social Management Framework for REDD+, in its entirety, aims to minimise and manage social and environmental risks and promote social and environmental benefits. It does so through two major instruments:
    • The Action Matrix: it includes actions derived from the SESA process that engaged about 800 stakeholders, of which more than 600 were representatives of ITP communities. These actions address social and environmental as well as governance issues to create an enabling environment for sustainable REDD+ implementation, such as the re-establishment of trust between key stakeholders, capacity building at national and local level, and gender specific actions, among others.
    • The framework for REDD+ project implementation: this framework is closely aligned with the existing NIMOS Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines and describes what needs to be considering in screening, scoping, assessment, review and final decision about REDD+ projects, in order for those to indeed minimise and manage potential remaining risks and promote social and environmental benefits.

    In conclusion, the ESMF, and especially the included action matrix and project implementation framework, can be considered a strong shield against potential REDD+ risks and proactive support of social and environmental REDD+ benefits. In addition, the development of a REDD+ specific Grievance Redress Mechanism is underway, which should allow for adaptive management of REDD+ implementation as needed.

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